Van Goghetters 11-18 yrs

Van Goghetters will be coached in selecting their own uniquely inspired art projects and guided in exploring and developing artistic style and potential. Portfolio and confidence building! Each Van Goghetter session will be sprinkled with skill building lessons in addition to individual projects. 

Mon 6:00-7:00 (Adults/Teens), Tues 5:30-6:30, Wed 5:30-6:30, Thurs Pre-Teen 5:00-6:00, Saturdays 11:30-12:30 // 8 weeks $190/ 12 weeks $265 /Adult 4 weeks $100/Drop in $30 (New students will need their own large (18"X24") pad.)


Be Creative, Be Confident, Art's Cool!

Art's Cool, Middleton, MA